Visual Arts <<Back  
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The aims of the Visual Arts curriculum are to enable students to:

  • enrich their aesthetics and arts experience
  • strengthen their abilities to appreciate and create various forms of visual arts work
  • aesthetically and critically
  • develop perceptual abilities, generic skills, multiple perspectives and metacognition
  • through autonomous and open-ended processes of enquiry in art learning
  • enhance cultural and cross-cultural understanding through exploration of the art of
  • diverse cultures
  • cultivate personal refinement, positive values and attitudes, self-identity and a sense
  • of commitment towards the community, the nation and the world
  • acquire a foundation for pursuing education and career opportunities in the art and
  • creative industries


Learning Targets

To facilitate the achievement of the curriculum aims, art learning activities should be

designed according to the four key Learning Targets


Developing Creativity and Imagination

Through active participation in art appreciation, criticism and making, students will

develop new and different ways to enhance their power of imagination, creative

thinking and presentation skills. Students can use artwork to express themes and

topics related to themselves, their surroundings and the works of other artists. They

can also make critical appreciation of artwork and learn to see art from different or

new perspectives.


Developing Skills and Processes

Students will learn to use visual language, different art forms and a variety of

materials and techniques for art making. They will develop their skills in using

verbal language to describe, analyse, communicate their thoughts, and develop a

positive attitude to continuous exploration and experimentation through the process

of making and presenting their ideas.


Cultivating Critical Responses

As students learn to understand artwork, they acquire the ability to give critical,

informed and intelligent responses based on a well-explored background of

information about the artwork, the artist, and, just as important, with reference to

their own experience, education, culture and personal judgement.


Understanding Arts in Context

Students will learn to understand the meaning and value of artwork in their own and

other contexts, e.g. art historical, personal, social, cultural, ideological and political


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